Pidato Bahasa inggris Pergaulan Remaja Islami



Asalamualaikum wr. Wb

Honorable the judges.

Dear audience

Happy brothers and sisters

First of all, let’s thank and pray unto our God Allah Almighty, who has been giving us his mercies and blessings till we can gather in this speech contest today.

Secondly Sholawat and salam always be our Prophet Muhammad Peace be Upon him, who has guided us from the darkness to the brightness.

And I’ll never forget to appreciate my greatest thank to respectable chairman who has given me time to deliver my speech in front of you all.

Standing in front of you all I would like to deliver my speech under the title “What does Islam say about teenager relationship?”

Who's called the teenagers? The teenagers are young people ten to forty years old. Which blessed with a strong body, their skin still tight, shiny, they’re still have critical mind. Teenagers called puberty. They  want to know about their selves and want to have boy/girlfriends. They want to try something that they don’t know before.

Teenager is the most memorable time because it gives a lot of life experience. Teenager is the time to make many achievements, both academic and non-academic. Depends on people who can use their time well. Teenager is a period of unstable and the time a teenager grows up to find identity. They want to be the best for their future. But on the other hand they want to enjoy their times by having fun. But they also have to determine for their future.

Teenagers are closely with the technology in their daily life. They always bringing Handphone, and the effect of that they want to follow the trend. For example, style of western people about dressing.  Some of them already familiar with alcohol, cigarettes, even drugs and free sex. They assume that if they do not consume these items, then they are not valued or outdated people.

Teenager is a social people too, as a social people relationship is an important requirement for humans. Relationship is fitrah as human being, stated in surah Al Hujurat verse 13th :



“O mankind, indeed We have created you from male and female and made you peoples and tribes that you may know one another”


Islam is Rahmatan lil 'alamin. Islam was educated us how to make good relationship even from childhood, teenager until adult

There are several tips how Islam teach us about relationship among teenager:

1.     Keep a view  

Keep a View here has two meanings, the first view with the eyes, which is seeing and enjoying the body parts that are attractive and exciting sexual desire, the second inner view that is, lust arising in the heart to have sexual relations  (keep from syahwat)

2.     Protect the aurat

Aurat, according to Islam, human body must be covered by clothing. We instruct to covering our genital, for women is covering all body by clothing and veil except face and feet.

3.     Don't date

Dating or meet boy and girl in the someplace just both of two is forbidden. The third beside them is syaitan.

4.     Remind each other of the goodness

This is very important because, when one Muslim reminds another to do goodness and if one is reminded to do something good, then the reward for them all.

In conclusion, wherever and wherever we are and with whom we associate we must be able to adjust according to the rules of the Islamic religion.

Thus, the speech that I can deliver. Sorry if there are any mistakes. Thank you for your attention

Billahi Taufik wal hidayah

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