pidato bahasa Inggris " Should students be allowed to use gadgets in the class??”

Honorable the judges.
Dear audience
Happy brothers and sisters
First of all, let’s thank and pray unto our God Allah Almighty, who has been giving us his mercies and blessings till we can gather in this speech contest today.
Secondly Sholawat and salam always be our Prophet Muhammad Peace be Upon him, who has guided us from the darkness to the brightness.
And I’ll never forget to appreciate my greatest thank to respectable chairman who has given me time to deliver my speech in front of you all.
Standing in front of you all I would like to deliver my speech under the title “Should students be allowed to use gadgets in the class??”

Misuse of gadgets is rife among students. They secretly record scenes that are not worth seeing. Bullying, dating, smoking are often recorded and uploaded to social media. Even though it was forbidden they still carried their gadgets to school.
Upload inappropriate content to social media like that is a hazardous for schools. It's as face to face school and social media like enemies and conflicting. Teenagers who are still searching for identity often carry out experiments that are contrary to norms. This is fortified by schools. The school and the academic community do not want children to fall into moral decadence. School is the last bastion to organize children's morals and manners.
So, they strictly forbid their students bringing their gadgets to school. There are some schools who allow bring the cell phone by limiting only those phones that are made by SMS and telephone without a camera.
Denied or not today is the technological age progress. Where damming technology is the same as damming the flood. Very difficult and almost impossible to stem the progress of the technology.
In my opinion, it is better for the school to give students a freedom to bring their gadgets to their class. Aren't they at home, they're still with their gadgets. Learn from e learning, the Ruang guru, google classroom and lots of educational content that is now provided in the technology space.
Especially when this covid-19 epidemic, children are forced to come into contact with technology. Familiar with technology. Learn through their mobile media online.
Noteworthy is our attitude and way of using this technology. we must use it wisely. we live in a millennial era that is day-to-day with technology. Awareness of using mobile phones wisely must be instilled in all students. So that students use their gadgets in the right direction as a learning space. And increase their knowledge instead of abusing opening obscene content or even making it.
With the right direction using the gadgets we can develop in our technology and online learning in our country. So we will running well and to be winner as millennials generations. 
In conclusion, wherever and wherever we are and with whom we associate we must be able to adjust according to the rules of the moral dan religion in lining with technology.
Thus, the speech that I can deliver. Sorry if there are any mistakes. Thank you for your attention
Billahi Taufiq wal hidayah

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