Caring for Palestinian Muslim

Assalamu’alaikum wr. wb

First of all, let give thanks Unto Allah SWT who has been giving us countless blessings, especially the blessings of faith and Islam as well as physical health so we can still carry out activities in pursuing the path of piety.

Blessings and greetings may always be bestowed on the prophet Muhammad SAW,  the best creature that we always make as a role model in every step of the way. May Blessings and Greetings also be upon him and his family, friends and also for us until the end of time.

At the Moment, I want to deliver my speech about Caring for Palestinian Muslim in front of you all.  

Guys, Don’t you realize, Every war leave pain. Palestine against Israel for example. Moreover, the war taking place in the Gaza Strip between Israel and Palestine. This war from 1948 until now is still ongoing. Nearly 75 years of war raged in Gaza. Countless lives have been lost. There are also quite a few losses in infrastructure damage due to Israel's seizure of territory to occupy Palestinian land.

The pain experienced by civilians who are victims of war. Losing family, father, mother, children, siblings. Palestinian Muslims are being massacred every minute by Israeli Zionists invase the Palestinian land.

The deep sorrow experienced by Palestinian children is unspeakable. They live in the shadow of hunger, death before your eyes. They live in fear of being bombarded. There is no Children going to school, today they are alive, but tonight they will not necessarily die as a result of attacks by invaders.

Even in the famous lyrics, Palestinian children sing the song "atuna tufuli" which means give me back my childhood. A cheerful period that should be learning and playing. They lost it all.

Dear young generation

The conflict between Israeli and Palestinian society has given rise to various views and opinions. Since the beginning of the conflict, the victims of the conflict were not only limited to the military, but many civilians also became victims as a result of this conflict. As many as 32% of Israeli Jews support Palestinian independence by dividing the territory along ideological lines. However, there are also many people who support maintaining the status quo.

We know that in Palestine there is a very famous and very historic site for the development of Muslims, namely the Al-Aqsa Mosque. Now Palestinian Muslims are not allowed to worship there.


As a form of caring for Palestinian Muslims, It is clear in the Qur'an, Surah Ali Imron verse 103, it is explained:

 “And hold firmly together to the rope of Allah1 and do not be divided. Remember Allah's favor upon you when you were enemies, then He united your hearts, so you—by His grace—became brothers”

And what should we do As a form of caring for Palestinian Muslims in the real life ?

1. We must hold fast to the rope of Allah and do not become separated. Muslims must be united.

2. Don't stop praying for your Palestinian Muslim brothers, they are our brothers

3. Set aside some of our fortune to donate to them

4. As millennial Muslims, we can also move through social media to call for our support for Palestinian Muslims. #IStandWithPalestine

 Ladies and Gentlemen

The Palestinian flag is prohibited from being flown in their own country, now with Allah's permission it is flying all over the world. Palestine has become a world issue for their independence.

In conclusion, caring about Palestinian Muslims is caring about human rights to life and freedom. Caring for Palestinian Muslims is caring for humanity and justice.

May we always receive guidance from Allah so that in this life we live according to His guidelines.

I think that's all my speech. I hope it is useful for you all. I am sorry for any words or behavior that unpleasing your heart. Thank you very much for the occasion and your kind attention.

Wassalamu’alaikum wr. wb

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