pidato Cinta Tanah Air

Pidato ini untuk mengenang para pahlawan yang berjuang mempertaruhkan tubuh dan jiwa nya untuk kemerdekaan Indonesia.


Assalamu’alaikum Wr.Wb

Ladies And Gentlemen

First of all,/ lets thanks and pray unto our God/ Allah swt. /Who has been giving us /his mercies and blessings /until we can attend this meeting/ without any trouble and obstacles.

Second,/ may shalawat and salam /always be our phophet Mohammad SAW. Who has guided us /from the drakness to the  lightness, / from the stupidity to the Madani era./ Namely Islam.

In this occasion, /I will deliver my speech about / “love our country” /or spirit of nationalism./ Hopefully /this speech could be useful for us. Ameen.

Ladies and Gentlemen

Our indepence heroes / was sacrifice their body,/ soul / and all the treasure they have/  for one purpose. /It was the independence of Indonesia. / They had kidnaped, / had jailed, and even had killed by invanders./ But the spirit of their nationalism never die./ For example/ the struggle “arek arek suroboyo” / bung tomo and his Army./ They climbed the flagpole in YAMATO Hotel. /they ripe the Netherland flag / on blue color / become Red and White /to be Indonesian flag. They are not afraid at all / to fight infanders. Even they knew / that they would be die. They burned their spiriit with shouted/ “Allahu akbar”, / the fear are enclosed / by a high spirit of nationalism in them.

Hundreds even thousands of heroes died./ But its worth, / because the dream came true. / The Independence Day./ Imagine if that time / there weren’t spirit of nationalism,/ maybe now we are still suffer, / hunger /and in the grip of invanders.

Ladies and gentlemen

Now / we are back at this currrent time./ Do we have the siprit of nationalism inside us? /Are we willing to sacrifice our life /to defend the nation? To keep our nation flag / raising on the sky? / Altough/ we have been enjoying the independence, / we still have to keep the spirit of our nationalism, / just like our heroe’s nationalism before us./ However,  / not by taking up gun for war./ We can shown our nationalism/ by buying indonesian product,/ love indonesian archipelago,/ keep the harmony of society, / keep our environment clean and green./ And much more.

if we all as natizen have spirit of nationalism / in our soul, our nation will grow /to become great nation./ And not easy to devide each other./ We will become strong nation / and  achieve the community walfare.

Ladies and gentlemen

I thing it is enough. / Hopefully what I said can be useful for us / and this nation. I will quote the famous term of philosophy / “Don’t Ask What the Country Give to You,/ But Ask What You Have Given to Your Country./ Thank you for your attention, / the last I say….

Wassalamu’alaikum wr. wb


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